Do what comes natural and be passionate about it. Perfect is what makes you happy, not what others see as perfect!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Your Heart's Desire


Loving people can be a challenge without having significant help from God.  It comes naturally for some and others not so much.  I know immediately when I am going to love someone and when I am going to need some help.  Make loving others a desire of your heart and it will happen.  God always answers that prayer!  It is His will, and His will WILL be done

I met my friend Rebecca at The Crossing Womens Reunion where we were both speakers.  She would talk about how witnessing to her mother had changed both of their lives.  My speech was about allowing God to be what I was always looking for in my life.  I so fell in love with Rebecca that night and our prayer journey began for her to have a child.  We did not think it was going to happen and we prayed for a very long time.  And then she was pregnant and my heart could not have been more filled with joy for her.  I immediately offered to have her baby shower.  As I have mentioned in my earlier post, it is pure joy to create something for someone you love so much.  Rebecca was going to have a boy - so being the traditional type, blue would be in order.  But you know me - I needed to give it some pizazz so I added a great shade of green and some nice brown. The party was just so much fun - but the best part was seeing Rebecca's face when she saw the cookies and cupcakes!  
Enjoy your friend's special moments and never let go of the love you feel when you see their face light up over something that makes them so happy. Or that glance over at you when they want you to know that you are loved for loving them with all of your heart!

1 comment:

  1. Enjoying a friend's happiness is such a blessing that it is quickly your happiness too! Just beautiful Kandi!
